

Conflict Reconciliation through Expressive Artistic Transformation and Education


Discussion Club

Public Lecture of Johan Galtung

On December 17 Project C.R.E.A.T.E. hosted an exceptional event. Founder of Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and leading representative of peace science Johan Galtung had online meeting with the Caucasian peace builders. Modern technologies made this discussion possible. Topic of the lecture was “Creativity and its Role in the Peace Processes – How Creativity and Art can be used for Positive Peace and Justice”.

The meeting participants included students, representatives of non-governmental organizations, educational institutions and other interested individuals from the South Caucasus, Turkey.

Here is a record of the meeting. Feel free to watch, share and follow us.

Discussion 2 – Creative Satyagraha

Second meeting of discussion club was focused on Creative Satyagraha. Satyagraha is a word of Indian origin and means “holding firmly onto truth”. Gandhi considered truth as a main value. Satyagraha is a method of nonviolent resistance developed by Mahatma Gandhi. Irakli Kakabadze introduced its main principles to the discussion club participants. He spoke about indian way of nonviolent action, which led to dramatic changes in the country and on the international level. He said that Gandhi way of resistance influenced other activists, such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. It was a great impulse in 1960s. Irakli Kakabadze also talked about contemporary non-violent practice in India, which brings huge changes to the local communities.  Continue reading “Discussion 2 – Creative Satyagraha”

First meeting of discussion club – Forum Theatre

What are creative tools for conflict transformation? How theatre and art can unite people from various backgrounds? How can they heal conflict-affected societies? These questions were addressed on the first discussion club meeting, which was held in the framework of the project C.R.E.A.T.E. Representatives of non-governmental organizations, universities, HEKS/EPER alumni, students, peace builders and practitioners, artists came together to share experience in this direction. The discussion topic was Role of theatre in the resolution of social problems – Forum Theatre and Augusto Boal Method and Post-Boal in the modern world. Continue reading “First meeting of discussion club – Forum Theatre”

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